Our boiler has broken so we have no heating or hot water!! The sky is really bright and I am sure that it must be 0% out there and it is soooo cold. I am waiting for the nice man from the gas company to hopefully work his magic and give me heat!! I thouhgt that I would post some things to make me feel warm?

I love faux fur throws and have a few draped over various chairs in my living room and I could do with a couple more right now!!

Oh to be lying here right now - feeling the sun beating down on my face (with a high factor suncream of course!)

We have a wonderful ornate fireplace but unfortunately it is not a working one!

I just loved this picture to be wrapped up warm going for long walk.

I think I will make myself a warming hot chocolate - at least my cooker still works so I can boil the milk!!
Hopefully in my next post I will be able to feel my fingers when I type?